Attending this event?
The Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) hosts an annual conference for substitute teachers in Alberta. Organizing this conference is one of the ways the ATA recognizes the valuable service that substitute teachers provide.

The conference is an excellent opportunity for networking and professional development. Sessions are geared specifically towards the needs of substitute teachers.

Friday, October 18

12:00 MDT

Meeting for Substitute Teachers Local Chairs
Friday October 18, 2024 12:00 - 15:00 MDT
avatar for Murray Lalonde

Murray Lalonde

Central East, District Representative
Murray serves as the Association's District Representative for Central East He represents members from the following ATA locals:Aspen View No 7, Battle River No 32, Greater St Paul No 25, Lakeland Catholic Separate No 30, Northern Lights No 15, Park Plains East No 31.
Friday October 18, 2024 12:00 - 15:00 MDT
Piesporter, Room 5

17:30 MDT

Friday Attendee Sign-In
Friday October 18, 2024 17:30 - 19:00 MDT
Friday October 18, 2024 17:30 - 19:00 MDT
Fantasyland Hotel 17730 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5T 4V4

18:00 MDT

Friday October 18, 2024 18:00 - 19:00 MDT
Friday October 18, 2024 18:00 - 19:00 MDT
Chianti, Room 6

19:00 MDT

Friday October 18, 2024 19:00 - 19:05 MDT
avatar for Murray Lalonde

Murray Lalonde

Central East, District Representative
Murray serves as the Association's District Representative for Central East He represents members from the following ATA locals:Aspen View No 7, Battle River No 32, Greater St Paul No 25, Lakeland Catholic Separate No 30, Northern Lights No 15, Park Plains East No 31.
Friday October 18, 2024 19:00 - 19:05 MDT
Chianti, Room 6

19:05 MDT

Greetings from ATA
Friday October 18, 2024 19:05 - 19:15 MDT
avatar for Jason Schilling

Jason Schilling

President, ATA
Jason Schilling was re-elected president in 2023, following four years of service as president, two years of service as vice-president and more than eight years of service as district representative for South West. As vice-president, Schilling chaired the Central Table Bargaining... Read More →
Friday October 18, 2024 19:05 - 19:15 MDT
Chianti, Room 6

19:15 MDT

Keynote -Self Regulation and Building Resilience In and Out of the Classroom
Friday October 18, 2024 19:15 - 20:15 MDT
Drawing on the science of the nervous system in digestible and relatable ways, this session will show you how to recognize, manage, and optimize your self regulation abilities to build resilience in this profession and have positive influence over students and peers.
avatar for Tara Miller

Tara Miller

Tara Miller is a psychotherapist turned elite performance coach. Tara uses neuroscience backed modalities to help professionals manage stress, optimize performance, and have influence over the energy they bring to the boardroom or the classroom and back home. These whole life strategies... Read More →
Friday October 18, 2024 19:15 - 20:15 MDT
Chianti, Room 6

20:15 MDT

Mix and Mingle
Friday October 18, 2024 20:15 - 21:15 MDT
Friday October 18, 2024 20:15 - 21:15 MDT
Chianti, Room 6
Saturday, October 19

07:30 MDT

Saturday Attendee Sign-In (for those who have not signed in previously)
Saturday October 19, 2024 07:30 - 08:30 MDT
Saturday October 19, 2024 07:30 - 08:30 MDT
Fantasyland Hotel 17730 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5T 4V4

08:00 MDT

Networking Breakfast
Saturday October 19, 2024 08:00 - 09:00 MDT
Saturday October 19, 2024 08:00 - 09:00 MDT
Chianti, Room 6

09:00 MDT

Bargaining Update
Saturday October 19, 2024 09:00 - 10:00 MDT
avatar for Michelle Glavine

Michelle Glavine

Executive Staff Officer, Teacher Employment Services
Michelle joined the Association’s Teacher Employment Services (formerly Teacher Welfare) executive staff in 2019. Michelle holds a Labour Relations Certificate and an Advanced Labour Relations Certificate from Queen’s University, a MEd in Educational Leadership from the University... Read More →
Saturday October 19, 2024 09:00 - 10:00 MDT
Fantasyland Hotel 17730 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5T 4V4

10:00 MDT

Collective Bargaining Q&A
Saturday October 19, 2024 10:00 - 11:00 MDT
avatar for Michelle Glavine

Michelle Glavine

Executive Staff Officer, Teacher Employment Services
Michelle joined the Association’s Teacher Employment Services (formerly Teacher Welfare) executive staff in 2019. Michelle holds a Labour Relations Certificate and an Advanced Labour Relations Certificate from Queen’s University, a MEd in Educational Leadership from the University... Read More →
Saturday October 19, 2024 10:00 - 11:00 MDT
Fantasyland Hotel 17730 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5T 4V4

10:00 MDT

Fantastic Resources and Where to Find Them!
Saturday October 19, 2024 10:00 - 11:00 MDT
Have you ever wondered if there is a better way to search? A way to find better resources in less time? THERE IS!  Sandra Anderson, Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) librarian, will demonstrate how to create better searches that will lead you to better resources online. She will also reveal some of the great web resources that you can find at the ATA Library without searching!

Sandra is a professional librarian who heads the ATA Library. Sandra’s passion is technological innovation and she applies this interest into all aspects of her work. She is an active voice on social media for the ATA Library and has developed web guides for teachers on dozens of topics.
avatar for Sandra Anderson

Sandra Anderson

Librarian, The Alberta Teachers' Association
Sandra is a professional librarian who heads the ATA Library. Sandra’s passion is technological innovation and she applies this interest to all aspects of her work. She is an active voice on social media for the ATA Library and has developed web guides for teachers on dozens of... Read More →
Saturday October 19, 2024 10:00 - 11:00 MDT
Fantasyland Hotel 17730 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5T 4V4

10:00 MDT

How am I Doing? Feedback as a Substitute Teacher
Saturday October 19, 2024 10:00 - 11:00 MDT
This session is guided by the following focusing questions; What kinds of feedback do substitute teachers need for their reflective practice? How can substitute teachers obtain quality feedback on their teaching practice? What kinds of feedback can substitute teachers provide?

Alec Wright

Saturday October 19, 2024 10:00 - 11:00 MDT
Fantasyland Hotel 17730 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5T 4V4

10:00 MDT

Regulation and Resilience: Supporting Students with Challenging Behaviour
Saturday October 19, 2024 10:00 - 11:00 MDT
Join us for an interactive and empowering workshop that explores strategies for supporting students through challenging behaviours. This session focuses on approaches that cultivate student resilience, as well as strategies to support our own resilience as we respond to challenging moments of student behaviour. Through activities, discussion, and reflection, we will explore a variety of techniques that support students with challenging behaviour and care for our own wellbeing, at once.

Ashley Mullan

Association Instructor, The Alberta Teachers' Association
Saturday October 19, 2024 10:00 - 11:00 MDT
Fantasyland Hotel 17730 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5T 4V4

10:00 MDT

Take a Leap: Unlearning Racial
Saturday October 19, 2024 10:00 - 11:00 MDT
Join this session to explore the complex dynamics between unconscious beliefs, bias, and the impact these factors have on educational environments. Focused on building a deeper understanding of how these factors can perpetuate stereotypes and hinder student growth, this session includes discussions and practical exercises that will challenge assumptions that perpetuate labels and stereotypes. By embracing a ‘LEAP’ approach—actively listening, engaging, asking questions, and providing support we will work together to enhance our own understanding of diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism.

Tiff Pino

Association Instructor, The Alberta Teachers' Association
Saturday October 19, 2024 10:00 - 11:00 MDT
Fantasyland Hotel 17730 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5T 4V4

10:00 MDT

Your Pension Matters for Substitute Teachers
Saturday October 19, 2024 10:00 - 11:00 MDT
ATRF’s presentation of Your Pension Matters for Substitute Teachers will provide a general overview of the plan specifically for substitute teachers. The following information will be presented: Pension eligibility, calculating a pension, eligibility to purchase substitute service, steps to purchasing substitute service, income tax implications and MyPension service purchase and pension estimate calculator. You are encouraged to register for your ATRF MyPension account to interact with the online calculators during the presentation.
Saturday October 19, 2024 10:00 - 11:00 MDT
Fantasyland Hotel 17730 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5T 4V4

11:00 MDT

Break for 15 min
Saturday October 19, 2024 11:00 - 11:15 MDT
Saturday October 19, 2024 11:00 - 11:15 MDT
Fantasyland Hotel 17730 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5T 4V4

11:15 MDT

Art on the Go - Easy Ideas to Implement in Any Class
Saturday October 19, 2024 11:15 - 12:15 MDT
Probably the most practical class you could attend... come and experience some quick and easy art ideas that can be implemented in your classroom as a substitute teacher. These mini-art lessons can be used as emergency plans or to enhance or fill in extra time in your daily lessons. No art experience needed... just a willingness to be creative!
Saturday October 19, 2024 11:15 - 12:15 MDT
Fantasyland Hotel 17730 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5T 4V4

11:15 MDT

Classroom Management as a Substitute Teacher
Saturday October 19, 2024 11:15 - 12:15 MDT
This session is guided by the following focusing questions; What is effective classroom management? How is effective classroom management different for a substitute teacher compared to a contract teacher? How can substitute teachers create and reinforce learning environments that enable all learners to thrive?

Alec Wright

Saturday October 19, 2024 11:15 - 12:15 MDT
Fantasyland Hotel 17730 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5T 4V4

11:15 MDT

More Than Words: The Significance of Land Acknowledgements on the Journey of Truth and Reconciliation
Saturday October 19, 2024 11:15 - 12:15 MDT
Sharing a land acknowledgement has become a common practice and there is potential for a land acknowledgement to be perceived as an empty gesture if it’s not paired with concrete actions. Throughout this session, participants will have an opportunity to reflect on the deeper meanings of a land acknowledgement and consider ways they can mobilize land acknowledgements in their own professional practice. Participants will reflect on their own connections to people and place, and consider how land acknowledgements and their associated actions can build relationships and contribute to Truth & Reconciliation.
Saturday October 19, 2024 11:15 - 12:15 MDT
Fantasyland Hotel 17730 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5T 4V4

11:15 MDT

Supporting Gender and Relationship Diversity in School Communities
Saturday October 19, 2024 11:15 - 12:15 MDT
Now, more than ever, there is a need to enhance school community supports for people who identify as gender and/or relationship-diverse. In this workshop, participants will examine how purposeful language choices, understanding identity and privilege, and implementing specific support strategies can help to create a supportive, inclusive environment. As well, participants will discuss practices for authentic allyship in school communities. This workshop is designed to replace the PRISM – Professionals Respecting Individual Sexual and Gender Minorities workshop.
avatar for Nancy Bromley

Nancy Bromley

Association Instructor, The Alberta Teachers' Association
Nancy Bromley - A passionate public speaker, administrator, nature lover, and mother, Nancy uses her 30+ years as an educator to motivate you to think about teaching as a way of exploring the world and creating true agents for change. She’s passionate about encouraging educators... Read More →
Saturday October 19, 2024 11:15 - 12:15 MDT
Fantasyland Hotel 17730 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5T 4V4

11:15 MDT

The Magic of Maker Kits
Saturday October 19, 2024 11:15 - 12:15 MDT
Makerspace technology has become a big trend in schools: robots, circuit boards, 3d printing pens, Magneticals, micro:bits, and K’nex – how can a substitute teacher possibly keep up?  Learn about the maker kits in your ATA Library, how they can be used in education, and how you can borrow them! Your professional development is about to get a lot more interesting!

avatar for Sandra Anderson

Sandra Anderson

Librarian, The Alberta Teachers' Association
Sandra is a professional librarian who heads the ATA Library. Sandra’s passion is technological innovation and she applies this interest to all aspects of her work. She is an active voice on social media for the ATA Library and has developed web guides for teachers on dozens of... Read More →
Saturday October 19, 2024 11:15 - 12:15 MDT
Fantasyland Hotel 17730 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5T 4V4

11:15 MDT

What does TES do for You?
Saturday October 19, 2024 11:15 - 12:15 MDT
This presentation describes how the ATA, through its Teacher Employment Services (TES) program area, helps teachers, both individually and collectively, to solve professional problems and organizational issues. In addition to outlining the services available from TES, the presentations will give participants an opportunity to ask questions about such issues such as transfers, terminations, legal liabilities, contracts of employment and professional misconduct.
avatar for Michelle Glavine

Michelle Glavine

Executive Staff Officer, Teacher Employment Services
Michelle joined the Association’s Teacher Employment Services (formerly Teacher Welfare) executive staff in 2019. Michelle holds a Labour Relations Certificate and an Advanced Labour Relations Certificate from Queen’s University, a MEd in Educational Leadership from the University... Read More →
Saturday October 19, 2024 11:15 - 12:15 MDT
Fantasyland Hotel 17730 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5T 4V4

12:15 MDT

Saturday October 19, 2024 12:15 - 13:00 MDT
Saturday October 19, 2024 12:15 - 13:00 MDT
Chianti, Room 6

13:00 MDT

20 Strategies You Can Use on Monday
Saturday October 19, 2024 13:00 - 14:00 MDT
avatar for Nancy Bromley

Nancy Bromley

Association Instructor, The Alberta Teachers' Association
Nancy Bromley - A passionate public speaker, administrator, nature lover, and mother, Nancy uses her 30+ years as an educator to motivate you to think about teaching as a way of exploring the world and creating true agents for change. She’s passionate about encouraging educators... Read More →
Saturday October 19, 2024 13:00 - 14:00 MDT
Fantasyland Hotel 17730 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5T 4V4

13:00 MDT

AI Tools to Amplify Teacher Professionalism and Save Time
Saturday October 19, 2024 13:00 - 14:00 MDT
Ready to revolutionize your teaching? Join our workshop on AI tools that go beyond traditional lesson planning. Explore how generative AI can create personalized content, assessments, and more. We’ll guide you through a process that balances efficiency with creativity, ensuring you remain the architect of exceptional learning experiences. Plus, let’s delve into professional considerations—because AI is not just about algorithms; it’s about impact.
Saturday October 19, 2024 13:00 - 14:00 MDT
Fantasyland Hotel 17730 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5T 4V4

13:00 MDT

Code of Professional Conduct
Saturday October 19, 2024 13:00 - 14:00 MDT
Saturday October 19, 2024 13:00 - 14:00 MDT
Fantasyland Hotel 17730 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5T 4V4

13:00 MDT

From Substitute to Contracted Teacher
Saturday October 19, 2024 13:00 - 14:00 MDT
Wanting to move from subbing into a contracted role? Here are some practical tips to help build your connections in order to land a contract.
Saturday October 19, 2024 13:00 - 14:00 MDT
Fantasyland Hotel 17730 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5T 4V4

13:00 MDT

Full Circle—Understanding Social Implications of Indigenous Realities
Saturday October 19, 2024 13:00 - 14:00 MDT
This workshop will examine core causes of intergenerational trauma, challenge common myths and misconceptions, as well as explore activities to foster effective relationships with First Nations, Métis and Inuit students, families and community. Participants will explore assimilation strategies that have contributed to many current realities of Indigenous students, families and community. You will gain an increased understanding of physical, mental, social and spiritual impacts, and strength-based initiatives to contribute to the advancement of the reconciliation process.
Saturday October 19, 2024 13:00 - 14:00 MDT
Fantasyland Hotel 17730 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5T 4V4

13:00 MDT

Linking Art and Literacy
Saturday October 19, 2024 13:00 - 14:00 MDT
We will explore several literacy lessons that can connect with the art curriculum... using descriptive writing and critical analysis of poetry to inspire art projects for elementary students. Walk away with some easy lessons that can be used in your substitute teacher emergency-lesson kit!
Saturday October 19, 2024 13:00 - 14:00 MDT
Fantasyland Hotel 17730 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5T 4V4

13:45 MDT

Break for 15 min
Saturday October 19, 2024 13:45 - 14:00 MDT
Saturday October 19, 2024 13:45 - 14:00 MDT
Fantasyland Hotel 17730 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5T 4V4

14:10 MDT

Closing Keynote - Strategies to Create the Optimal Learning Environment
Saturday October 19, 2024 14:10 - 15:00 MDT
Building on the previous session, this interactive session will include specific strategies and exercises you can use with new classrooms to help create optimal learning environments in new ways. There will be time for Q&A and real time demos.
avatar for Tara Miller

Tara Miller

Tara Miller is a psychotherapist turned elite performance coach. Tara uses neuroscience backed modalities to help professionals manage stress, optimize performance, and have influence over the energy they bring to the boardroom or the classroom and back home. These whole life strategies... Read More →
Saturday October 19, 2024 14:10 - 15:00 MDT
Chianti, Room 6
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